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RANDY HALE WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP Make a Splash with Watercolor!

  • 20 Apr 2022
  • 9:00 AM
  • 22 Apr 2022
  • 4:00 PM
  • First Plymouth Congregational Church, 3501 S. Colorado Boulevard, Englewood, CO.
  • 10


  • Current members of the Colorado Watercolor Society, up-to-date with their dues.
  • Not a member of the Colorado Watercolor Society, or member with lapsed membership dues.

Registration is closed


Make a Splash with Watercolor!

Over three days in April the Colorado Watercolor Society will be hosting Randy Hale as he shares his insights on making exciting art.  You’ll get his tips on perspective, practice his approach to negative shape painting and see firsthand how the use of value contrasts to build powerful drama within your own paintings!  Don’t miss this chance to come away with your own exciting creations of water, wine cellars, street scenes and whimsical portraits from nature. This is your chance to discover ways to loosen up! Randy’s approach to teaching embraces fun – so come enjoy three days of painting and learning.

Regardless of the varied subjects he’ll share, you’ll quickly see that successful painting is a result of good planning, designing a strong composition, and using a full range of values.  Come make a splash!

To see what Randy will cover during the workshop, click on the following link!

Making a Splash with Watercolor - Workshop Notes 

Date:              April 20th, 21st & 22nd  2022

Time:              9:00 am - 4:00 pm daily 

                      (the building may be entered at 8.30 a.m. for set up) 

Location:        First Plymouth Congregational Church,

                      3501 S. Colorado Boulevard, Englewood, CO. (southwest corner of Hampden Avenue and Colorado Boulevard)

Lunch break:  12:00- 1:00 p.m.

Workshop fees are $375.00 for CWS members and $425.00 for non-members (or members with lapsed membership dues).  Board members $300.00

*Cancellations will be accepted for a full refund up to 30 days in advance of the starting date of the workshop. Thereafter no refunds are to be issued.

How to Register: 
You can register online @
https://www.coloradowatercolorsociety.org  for your convenience.


If online registration is closed before the deadline, it is because the workshop is full, but please register for the waiting list. (The waiting list usually gets called, as there often are some cancellations by participants.)

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