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Cindy Brabec-King Watercolor Workshop "Painting Glass in Watercolor"

  • 04 Jul 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Main Gallery of the Gunnison Arts Center, 2 S. Main St, Gunnison, CO 81230
  • 15


Registration is closed

This one-day workshop will focus on painting the texture of glass. A demonstration will be provided in the morning and in the afternoon, artists will paint with one on one assistance from the instructor. Artists will provide their own supplies; a suggested supply list will be included. Concentration on negative space, dark spaces, painting around white area, color and light will be specific areas focused on in the subject matter. Each artist should be able to complete a finished painting during this workshop.

There will be a demonstration of simple brush techniques and application, which will help to create the most complex of objects.  This course will start the beginning artist and advance the more seasoned.

Students will paint in the afternoon following a morning demonstration and lecture.

The prime focus is to help each artist on an individual basis and help them become a more creative and confident painter.

Date:               July 4th, 2020

Time:              9:00 am - 4:00 pm  (the building may be entered at 8.30 a.m. for set up) 

Location:         Main Gallery of the Gunnison Arts Center

                        102 S. Main St, Gunnison, CO 81230

Lunch break: 12:00- 1:00 p.m.

Workshop fees are $100.00 for CWS members and $115.00 for non-members (or members with lapsed membership dues).

How to Register: 
You can register online @
https://www.coloradowatercolorsociety.org  for your convenience, or by contacting Sandy Day Selbert at sandy@sandydayselbert.com

You can pay online or pay by check (in which case your registration will be pending until payment is received). Make check out to "Colorado Watercolor Society" and mail it along with your name and address to Priscilla Greenbaum, 15168 W Washburn Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80228.


If online registration is closed before the deadline, it is because the workshop is full, but please registers for the waiting list. (The waiting list usually gets called, as there often are some cancellations by participants.)

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