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Robbie Laird Workshop - November 6, 7 and 8

  • 16 Jan 2018
  • 9:00 AM
  • 05 Nov 2018
  • 4:00 PM
  • Foothills Art Center, Golden CO
  • 0


  • If you are a CURRENT BOARD MEMBER of the Colorado Watercolor Society
  • If you are a current member who had pre-registered and paid a $50 deposit
  • If you are not a member, or if you are a lapsed member, and have pre-registered and paid a $50 deposit

Registration is closed
Robbie Laird will be teaching a three day workshop in November 2018.

November 6, 7 and 8, 2018

9:00am to 4:00pm daily

$300 for CWS member, $350 for non-members

Location: Foothills Art Center

For more information on the artist and and samples of her work, visit the artist's website at robbielairdartstudio.com.

How to Register:
You can register online for your convenience or by contacting Carol Newsom at carol@newsomart.com

Payments can be made online or by check (in which case your registration will be pending until payment is received). Make check out to "Colorado Watercolor Society" and mail it along with your name and address to 

Priscilla Greenbaum, 15168  W. Washburn Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80228 

Registration is $300 for CWS members and
$350 for non-members (or members with lapsed membership dues).

Please click HERE to access the supply list for the workshop.

If online registration is closed before the deadline, it is because the workshop is full, but please register online for the wait list (The waiting list usually gets called, as there are always some cancellations by participants.)

Questions and inquiries about a waiting list can be addressed to the
Carol Newsom  at  carol@newsomart.com

Please Put in the subject Line: CWS Workshop: Robbie Laird--November 2018

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