April 21 to June 25, 2017
Foothills Art Center, 809 15th St, Golden, CO 80401
Note: If you are a New Member and received a $10 voucher for show entries, you can register online, but you will need to send your check and the voucher by mail.
Key dates: March 1, 2017 Wednesday: Deadline for entries March 13, Monday: Notifications and instructions mailed April 6, Thursday: Shipped artwork due at the Foothills Art Center (10:00 to noon) April 20, Thursday: Opening Reception (6-8 pm)
April 21, Friday: Exhibition opens to public June 25, Sunday: Exhibition closes June 26 or 27, Monday or Tuesday: Artwork pickup (10:00 to noon)
QUICK LINKS: Events Calendar, CWS Artist Websites
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Contact: info@coloradowatercolorsociety.org