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Tom Lynch Workshop - September 11, 12, 13, 14 2017

  • 16 Dec 2016
  • 9:30 AM
  • 08 Sep 2017
  • 4:30 PM
  • Avon/Beaver Creek Art Center, 9:30-4:30
  • 15


  • If you are a current members who had pre-registered and paid a $50 deposit
  • This is the option to make a deposit payment. Please notice that registration will only be complete upon the payment of the balance.
  • If you are not a member, or if you are a lapsed member, and have pre-registered and paid a $50 deposit
  • $50 deposit for non-members, please notice that registration will not be completed until balance is paid.
  • Discount price for members of the Vail Valley Art Guild

Registration is closed
Tom Lynch will be teaching a four day workshop in September 2017.

September 11, 12, 13 and 14, 2017       Tom Lynch

9:30am to 4:30pm daily   plenty of spaces

$325 for CWS members, $325 for Vail Valley Art Guild members, $375 for non-members

Location: Singletree Community Center, Edwards CO

For more information on the artist and and samples of his work, visit the artist's website at tomlynch.com

How to Register:
You can register online for your convenience, or by contacting the Workshop Coordinator, Terrey Harrod.

Registration is $325 for CWS members and $375 for non-members (or members with lapsed membership dues).
You can pay online or pay by check (in which case your registration will be pending until payment is received). Make check out to "Colorado Watercolor Society" and mail it along with your name and address to Terrey Harrod at 3870 Tennyson St, Denver CO 80212.

Note: A supplies list will be provided as soon as available.

If online registration is closed before the deadline, it is because the workshop is full, but please contact Terrey Harrod at the address below to get on the waiting list. (The waiting list usually gets called, as there are always some cancellations by participants.)

Questions and inquiries about a waiting list can be addressed to the Workshop Coordinator, Terrey Harrod at teamterrey@yahoo.com.
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