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CWS Online Members Exhibit, Call for Entries

  • 10 Oct 2015
  • 01 Nov 2015
  • CWS Website (online show only)


  • CWS Members with 2015 dues paid, for two entries.
  • CWS Members with 2015 dues paid, for one entry.

Registration is closed
CWS 2015 Online Members’ Exhibit

Welcome to the first CWS Online Members Exhibit. The exhibit will be entirely online, with the images and information posted on a specific page on the CWS website for viewers around the world.
  • Note: This is not a juried show and does not count for signature status.
  • Important: Because this show is visible all over then internet, it counts as a national/international show, which means paintings exhibited in this show may no longer be eligible to other regional or national shows such as WFWS. 


  • Deadline for Entries: November 1st, 2015. All entries and entry fees must be received by the deadline of midnight, Sunday, November 1st, 2015. 
  • Entry images and awards will be posted on the CWS website after November 15.


  1. Each CWS member may submit one or two digital images for inclusion in the show. Your 2015 dues must be paid to enter.
  2. There is a $5 entry fee for each image entered.
  3. Painting must be predominantly watermedia (watercolor, acrylic, gouache, casein and tempera) on paper, yupo, canvas or board.
  4. Painting must have been completed within the last two years (2013-present), and not previously shown in a juried Colorado Watercolor Society exhibit.


  • Entries must show image only – no mat or frame
  • Artist’s signature must appear on the front of the painting
  • Images MUST be
    • format: jpeg
    • color setting: RGB
    • size: between 1200 pixels and 1920 pixels
    • resolution: 72 dpi
  • To name your files: Use the first four (4) letters of your last name, the first four (4) letters of your first name, # of the painting, shortened painting title:
    e.g. EiteSydn1Creation.jpg, EiteSydn2Curious.jpg



  •  1st      $300
  •  2nd     $200
  •  3rd      $100
  •  3 Merit Awards   $50 each



  • If a viewer expresses an interest in buying a painting displayed in the Members’ Online Exhibit, CWS will contact the artist who will be given the prospective buyer’s contact information. Your information will not be shared with the prospect buyer.
  • It will be up to the individual artist to pursue and finalize the prospective sale and delivery of the purchased piece. 
  • CWS will charge no commission if a sale is made. 
  • If a sale is made, CWS must be notified so the painting can be marked as sold on the website.
  • If you prefer not to place your piece(s) for sale, please enter NFS (not for sale) in the price field.

Instructions for Entry:

  1. Fill out the Entry Form
  2. Pay the respective fees
  3. Upload your entry images per instructions below (or alternatively email them to gnichols49@gmail.com)

To upload your images:

  1.  Log into the CWS website (lower left side of the CWS homeage)
  2. Click on View Profile (lower left side of the CWS homepage, under your name)
  3. Click on the link Member Photo Albums (top center of the page)
  4. Click on the button Add Album, name your album Online Show
  5. Click on the button Upload Photos
  6. Select your photos and upload them to the album (make sure your photos are the right side up)
    If this does not work, send your images as email attachments to


Liability: Images submitted to this show will be posted online for public viewing. There will be a copyright statement, but CWS will not be liable for any potential unintended use of posted images by third parties.

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