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Sterling Edwards Workshop June 6-9, 2016

  • 04 Aug 2015
  • 9:00 AM
  • 05 Jun 2016
  • 4:00 PM
  • Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities
  • 4


  • CWS Members who paid a $50 deposit can use this option to pay their balance.
  • Active member of one of the 12 societies that make up the Western Federation of Watercolor Society, with current dues paid.

Registration is closed
Sterling Edwards will be back in Denver to jury the 41st Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Exhibit and will teach two four day watercolor workshops, open to both CWS members and non-members, of all skill levels.

Sterling Edwards is an extremely popular instructor and well-known artist and published author of books and videos. For more information, visit the artist's website at sterlingedwards.com.

Note - Link for Supplies List (PDF):

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