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Bulletin Board

(workshops,classes, exhibits)

Dear CWS Members,

Welcome to the Bulletin Board of CWS....

The CWS Bulletin Board is for the exclusive use of members to post and view Information about Watermedia Workshops, Classes, or Exhibits, and can be accessed by signing into the Colorado Watercolor Society website. 

Click on the "add post" button below to start posting.... 

Rules for Posting

  • You may post details only of Your Watermedia Workshop, Class or Exhibit.
  • A post may include 

           Your Name,
           Name of the Workshop/Class/Exhibit

           A brief description of the workshop/class (About 250 words)
           Dates, Time, Cost (if applicable)
           Contact information (Email, and telephone)


The Bulletin Board is intended only as an "advertisement" space... so please DO NOT post comments, questions or suggestions. You may contact the author of the posting through telephone or email.

Any inappropriate post will be deleted by the website administrator at their discretion.

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  • 04 Feb 2021 5:34 PM | Anonymous member


    CaFe- Flowstate: A Watermedia Exhibit featuring Janet Nunn

    Monday, February 1, 2021 7:30 PM 

    Sunday, March 14, 2021 8:30 PM

    Foothills Art Center was built upon a community of watermedia artists forming a coop to display and sell their work. Over the years FAC has created exhibitions in partnership with watermedia societies to continue to foster a love and appreciation for the complexities of watermedia. For 20 years Janet Nunn has been a foundational part of the watermedia community at FAC. As an educator she has inspired students to experiment and fall in love with art, building the most dedicated following of any teacher in FAC history. She has also been featured time and time again in various FAC exhibitions. With this show we would like to highlight her art, educational style and her students alongside an open call for watermedia artwork. 

    As the first show in our Young Curator’s Series this exhibition will serve as an internship program for some local high school’s students to gain professional experience conceptualizing, designing, organizing and installing a fine art exhibition. Janet will serve as our professional watermedia expert and mentor the student’s through the process alongside FAC staff 

    Deadline to Apply: March 14, 2021

    Exhibition dates: April 23 to July 11

  • 04 Feb 2021 1:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join me for a new ZOOM Watercolor class for four consecutive Monday mornings beginning February. Time: 9:30 - 11:30 

                    Dates: Feb. 15, March 1, March 8

    • Class Session One (February 15): Achieving Depth in Landscapes–You’ll learn about and practice all the different aspects of achieving depth in your landscapes, whether plein air, or from photos. You’ll have tips and tricks and all the tools you need for spectacular watercolor landscapes.
    • Class Session Two (February 22): Don’t Be Afraid of the Water–You’ll learn about and practice all the ways to be successful when you paint water, whether it’s a rushing stream or a peaceful lake.
    • Class Session Three (March 1): Head Painting–You’ll learn about and practice what it takes to make a beautiful portrait, whether it’s a rough cowboy or a pretty girl or a baby. You’ll come away confident that you can paint beautiful portraits of your family and friends.
    • Class Session Four (March 8): Animals!–Let’s learn how to paint fur, and hair, whether it’s smooth or fluffy or shaggy, black or white. You’ll be confident when you paint your pet or your friends’ pets for a gift.

    Register HERE

    Carol Newsom

    carol@newsomart.com      303-257-0142

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